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Dr. Darren Leavitt, a highly regarded foot and ankle specialist, offers comprehensive podiatric care to patients residing in Calgary and its neighboring regions. Should you have any inquiries or wish to schedule or modify an appointment with your physician, kindly reach out to the clinic directly.

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Top 1 Podiatrist in Saddle Ridge that help for Tendon Surgery

Surgical procedures for arthritis encompass a variety of interventions aimed at addressing different types of arthritis, which is marked by joint inflammation and impairment. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Darren Leavitt is your Top 1 Podiatrist in Beddington Heights now.

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A man touched his foot's tendon area, causing pain.
A man's foot touched the area of his ankle and caused tendon illness.

Don’t waste another day in discomfort. Take control of your life and eliminate the pain for good by scheduling a consultation with our experienced surgeons.

Tendon Surgery


What is Tendon Surgery?

The term “arthritis surgery” refers to a variety of surgical techniques used to treat different forms of arthritis, a disorder marked by joint inflammation and degradation. Surgery for arthritis is primarily performed to reduce pain, enhance joint function, and improve the patient’s overall quality of life. When non-surgical treatments have not been effective or when joint damage is severe, surgical interventions are often sought.

Arthritis is commonly a long-lasting condition that can potentially lead to disability. Nonetheless, there are numerous approaches available to mitigate these issues in collaboration with your doctor. One potential avenue is surgery. Joint surgery offers several advantages, the most crucial being pain alleviation. Many individuals afflicted by arthritis experience constant pain; however, rest, heat and cold treatments, exercise regimens, splints, and medication can alleviate some of this discomfort.

There are over 100 different types of arthritis, with the most prevalent ones being osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

  1. Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis is the prevalent form of arthritis that develops as a result of joint degeneration from constant use. The weight-bearing joints, such as the knees, hips, and spine, are usually the most affected.
  2. Rheumatoid Arthritis: The lining of the joints is mistakenly attacked by the body’s immune system in rheumatoid arthritis, resulting in inflammation and harm. The disease mainly targets the small joints in the hands, feet, wrists, and ankles. Joint pain, swelling, stiffness, fatigue, and eventual joint deformities are all possible outcomes of untreated rheumatoid arthritis.

Don’t ignore the discomfort in your feet any longer. Take control of your well-being and book an appointment today with our Top 1 Podiatrist in Beddington Heights now and give them the care they deserve.

Common reasons for these surgery

This surgery aims to restore normal joint movement and can be required anywhere in the body. These injuries are most frequently observed in the shoulders, elbows, ankles, knees, and fingers.

These injuries can result from deep cuts that extend through the tendon, or from sports-related incidents such as those that occur in football, wrestling, and rugby.

Tears in these parts of the foot may require surgical intervention in cases of rheumatoid arthritis, an inflammatory joint disease that can affect and damage.

Contact us to learn more and to schedule a consultation if you’re prepared to talk to our Top 1 board certified podiatrits in Saddle Ridge about your need for tendon surgery.

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We'd love to hear from you

Dr. Darren Leavitt, a highly regarded foot and ankle specialist, offers comprehensive podiatric care to patients residing in Calgary and its neighboring regions. Should you have any inquiries or wish to schedule or modify an appointment with your physician, kindly reach out to the clinic directly.

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Doctor operating the patient.

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How is the surgery done?

During these repairs surgery a surgeon will:

A medical procedure that aims to reconnect the damaged or torn ends of a tendon and ensure its proper function.

The approach used for this type of surgery may differ based on factors like the affected tendon’s position, the severity of the injury, and the surgeon’s personal choice.

Contact us to learn more and to schedule a consultation if you’re prepared to talk to our Top 1 board certified podiatrits in Saddle Ridge about your need for tendon surgery.

Recovery and care after surgery

Typically, the surgery is performed as outpatient procedures, allowing patients to return home after surgery. In cases where hospitalization is necessary, it is usually for a brief duration.

The healing process may span up to 12 weeks, during which a splint or cast may be required to relieve strain on the mended tendon.

In order to safely regain movement, it is typically recommended to undergo physical therapy or occupational therapy. It is important to anticipate a gradual return of movement, possibly accompanied by stiffness.

Treatment may be required post-surgery to minimize the formation of scar tissue, as excessive scar tissue can impede movement in the affected in this area.

Contact us to learn more and to schedule a consultation if you’re prepared to talk to our Top 1 board certified podiatrits in Saddle Ridge about your need for tendon surgery.

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We'd love to hear from you

Dr. Darren Leavitt, a highly regarded foot and ankle specialist, offers comprehensive podiatric care to patients residing in Calgary and its neighboring regions. Should you have any inquiries or wish to schedule or modify an appointment with your physician, kindly reach out to the clinic directly.

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Doctor operating the patient.

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For optimal results, combining this surgery should have an appropriate physical therapy or occupational therapy can greatly enhance their success rate.

It is generally recommended to undergo surgery as soon as possible after the injury to ensure a smoother surgical procedure and recovery process.

However, there is a possibility of encountering long-term complications, including persistent stiffness. Repairing certain injuries, such as those affecting the flexor tendon in the arm, may pose significant challenges.

Therefore, it is crucial to have a thorough discussion with your doctor before undergoing surgery to gain a realistic understanding of your individual prognosis.

Dr. Darren Leavitt, currently maintains privileges at Riverview Surgical Centre in Calgary, an Alberta Health Services certified outpatient facility where he performs his private elective procedures.

You may have an option for private surgery to avoid a waiting time. A visit to Calgary Foot Surgery and schedule your consultation and will definitely define all available patient options.

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Stop letting pain control your life. Begin your journey to a life without pain by scheduling your surgery now. Take action quickly, break free from suffering, and welcome a future of comfort and happiness.

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We'd love to hear from you

Dr. Darren Leavitt, a highly regarded foot and ankle specialist, offers comprehensive podiatric care to patients residing in Calgary and its neighboring regions. Should you have any inquiries or wish to schedule or modify an appointment with your physician, kindly reach out to the clinic directly.

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Doctor operating the patient.

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